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Our Clients
Human Resources Specialists

Performance Management


Organisational Systems

MB&A have designed organisational performance management systems across industry which made a variety of stated objectives.


  • key to the design and implementation of any system is buy in from senior management. MB&A demonstrate the benefits to the organisation and its employees of a consistent approach to performance management.
  • to ensure buy in from staff, MB&A use a collaborative approach to the design of the system.
  • a flexible and innovative approach is taken to the design of a system. Key elements are taken into account, eg the delivery of results, the behaviours displayed by staff, the need for team work and a focus on individual performance.
  • it’s rarely the design of a performance management system that is at fault, rather the way it is implemented. MB&A design implementation programmes and training modules to ensure all participants have the necessary skills for its successful operation.


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58 Ramleh Park,
Milltown, Dublin 6.
Tel: + 353 1 2696028