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Our Clients
Human Resources Specialists

Reward Management


Job Evaluation

Job evaluation can be used in a variety of ways. Examples of completed briefs are; to analyse the roles activities and duties of specific posts as part of an organisational design process or to provide the basis for a remuneration review.


  • using a range of job evaluation techniques, individual posts have been reviewed for both Public and Private sector organisations.
  • created a customised job evaluation system to establish a grading structure for a Construction company. This provided a basis for recruitment, career planning and training and development initiatives.
  • evaluate roles in the Public Sector using a factor analysis approach.
  • using key factors and competencies developed a profile matrix which provided the basis for a career path and work allocation framework for a group of professional staff in the Health Sector.

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58 Ramleh Park,
Milltown, Dublin 6.
Tel: + 353 1 2696028